Episode 141 - Altspace Farewell Panel

Our mission has been to archive all the amazing groups, worlds, talent and channels in altspace before we’re cast out as digital nomad, wandering the metaverse for a new home.

And today we have the grand finale. On the eve of Altspace’s sunset, we talked with the most accomplished panel of altspace illuminati perhaps ever assembled... We’ll talk about where we’ve been, what Altspace meant to us, and where we’re headed. An astonishing 295 members of the metaverse’s best community came out for this live event.

We also premiered our Altspace Tribute video at this event. The link to that video is here— https://youtu.be/-GLiqawTLmY

Simulation Nation has recorded over 140 episodes that we will continue to share on YouTube as a record, like digital hiereoglyphs carved on the walls of the metaverse, that testify to that fact that the Altspace community was here, and that we were doing extraordinary, eccentric and beautiful things, we were inspiring each other to be innovative, active and engaged, and we were striving to create a better reality. This is what Altspace meant to us, and we hope it resonates with you as well..

To keep in touch with all the people on this panel, please use the contact info below:

BRCvr - BRCvr.org.

Failed To Render Comedy Club— Discord.gg/failedtorender, failedtorender.com

Cause and Christi- causechristi.com

Shushu - https://vrium.io

Celeste Lear- https://www.boutiqueelectroniquemusic.com/

In-World Camera op/multi-cam switcher Rick Tuazon projektivity.media@gmail.com

In-World Camera op Futurosity https://www.instagram.com/futurosityvr/

In-World Camera op Hiro Protagonist- https://www.instagram.com/hiroprotagonist360/


Simulation Nation is a Worldcast transmitting from the Earth iE2 dimension. Hosted by Johnny Android with his cyberpunk mod Futurosity in AltspaceVR, they interview leading VR professionals, review VR games and movies, and host otherworldly events— all live from the metaverse.  

Their mission is to save our dimension from the dystopic fate that befell theirs, and embedded within their episodes are the keys to our survival.

They suggest you subscribe to all of their channels as though your existence depended on it—

SPOTIFY - https://open.spotify.com/show/3hAzKpikTB1CqiT1MzeIZn

APPLE PODCASTS - https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/simulation-nation/id1519876875 DISCORD - https://discord.gg/gdDFGdPHSJ

TWITTER - https://twitter.com/simnationvr

INSTAGRAM - https://www.instagram.com/thesimulationnation/

FACEBOOK - https://www.facebook.com/thesimulationnation

HOSTS: JOHNNY ANDROID: https://twitter.com/simnationvr

INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/johnny.android/

FUTUROSITY: https://www.instagram.com/futurosityvr/

HIRO PROTAGONIST: https://www.instagram.com/hiroprotagonist360/

#metaverse #simulationnation #brcvr #failedtorender #virtualreality #causechristi #shushu #celestelear

Johnny Android

Johnny Android is a cyberpunk from the Earth iE2 dimension. He tells us that he’s mostly human, and that he makes the best taco in all the metaverse. However, there is no way to validate Johnny’s claims, so it’s best to take his words with a healthy dose of skepticism.


Episode 142 - ISSRadio


Episode 140 - MOMA Raves