Simulation Nation hosts events in the metaverse every week. Hosted by Johnny Android with the help of his trusty cyberpunk bot Hiro and mod Futurosity, they discuss all things metaverse, including VR platforms and tech, but also the movies, books, and games from the days of yore that are helping pave the way to our virtual future.  

But underneath that innocuous veneer is where things get.. strange. The truth is Johnny Android and gang are not from our time or dimension. They are from the dystopic future Earth iE2. They transmit their message over a mysterious, ancient blockchain called OmniChain which uses a ‘Proof of Reality’ mechanism to validate across the multiverse.

And Johnny, Hiro and Futurosity come with a warning— if we’re not careful, our dimension could suffer the same fate as theirs. Embedded within their episodes are the keys to our survival. They suggest you subscribe to all of their channels as though your existence depended on it.


Johnny Android is a cyberpunk from the Earth iE2 dimension. He tells us that he’s mostly human, and that he makes the best taco in all the metaverse. However, there is no way to validate Johnny’s claims, so it’s best to take his words with some skepticism.

Hiro Protagonist is the name of the main character in Neal Stephenson’s seminal novel Snow Crash. We always assumed that Stephenson invented the name, but Hiro insists that he is 150 years old, making him predate the book by a good century. It is suspected that Neal Stephenson discovered the OmniChain broadcast decades ago, which would explain how his novels have been so prescient. Hiro is not pursuing legal action at this time.


Johnny Android lives, works and worldcasts from the metaverse, and is available to meet exclusively in VR at any of your virtual or hybrid speaking engagements.


Hiro is a bot who is a bit moody and not much for small talk, but he looks good and will add street cred and cyberpunk badassery to all your virtual engagements.